What if you don't want to fix it?

the curiosity quest Feb 01, 2024

It all kinda started after someone emailed me. 

She was a dog trainer who said she felt it was really difficult to market herself without making promises she didn't want to keep. 

She didn't want to say she'd *fix* the dog's behaviour. 

And she didn't want to manipulate or coerce people's dogs into doing things they didn't want to do.

I agree with almost all of that. But I don't agree that you need to do any of those things in order to show people that you can help them.

Because the biggest thing I think people who are struggling with their dog want is relief.

I talk about this a lot inside Underdogs Unleashed. We really don't need to hoodwink people or make unrealistic promises in order to sell our services to people.

So when I then watched Andrew Hale last weekend talking about how we can support others in moving to a more compassionate care based approach and he spoke about relief... I was overjoyed.

And inspired to do something.  Here's the start of that something... Will you help?

Click here to take the anonymous survey (it'll only take a few minutes). And it'll help me and some very special people put something meaningful together for you.

You can sign up here to express your interest and be the first to get the invites to this very special event.  

 >>> I'm also gathering answers from owners too, so we can hear what they want and think. You can find the link for their survey here - please do give it a share if you can. The more info we have, the better we'll be able to help more trainers and more dogs. 🎉


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